Monday, January 12, 2015

Haul: Lush & The Body Shop

Today I went to stop at Lush and The Body Shop because I had some items to exchange that were gifted to me over the holidays. I absolutely love Lush, it's literally my favourite little store because all their products are all natural and their synthetics have been used for years so they're safe! I picked up mask and a hair conditioner from Lush. At The Body Shop, I picked up a moisturizer to calm redness and a couple masks because they were only C$1!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Beauty Favourites of 2014

In the past year, I have purchased and received a ton of makeup. I picked out the best ones that worked out incredibly for me from face to eyes to lips. These are products that I will continue to use in 2015 until I find something better!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New venture with a passion!

I've always been passionate about makeup whether its applying it, reading about it, watching about it, and of course buying it! I wanted to start this blog to share my "tips and tricks" for average girls like myself who are getting into makeup or are makeup junkies again like myself. It's funny because with social media, I've been asked by a small amount of ladies to make youtube videos but I never thought I was really that good. I was always afraid of putting myself out there but I wanted to take risks this year. I hope you guys enjoy what I have to post.